
My late grandmother's caution about unseen things echoed in me, a fascination with the occult leading me to brush against the eerie edges of the spirit world during university. Ghosts, enigmatic beings straddling existence and myth, set the stage for a tale intertwining their narratives with mine. Their presence, both mesmerizing and unsettling, shattered my perception of reality, casting doubt on the ground beneath me and instilling a constant sense of unease. Their whispered truths, veiled in the shadows, revealed a realm reserved for the macabre and departed. Only in their absence did I grasp the forbidden nature of my exposure to this otherworldly realm, a secret world beyond the living. Yet, compelled by a restless spirit and a sense of duty, I choose to unveil their stories, to grant them peace they were denied in life. It is a narrative not meant for the living, a chronicle of beings on the brink of darkness yearning for closure. This, I solemnly vow to recount, for their restless souls and for the peace they seek. Thus begins a tale deemed forbidden, shrouded in the mysteries of the unseen.

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