Ancient ruins

Hi guys, I am learning concept art by myself using blender and photoshop.
This the one of the project I worked on, I learned a lot of things during this work.
hope you guys like it and feedback is helpful :slight_smile:

(environment concept)

Final image:

Raw eevee render :


some other version:


Gives me No Man’s Sky vibes with the circles. I think that’s Corinthian columns, too, isn’t it? Looks very good. Lighting could be a bit better, I think, though. Keep up the good work!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks, this made my day!

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Thanks, yea i need to work on better lighting

Did you use a Nishita or other kind of procedural sky, or an HDRI? Nishita can get HDRI quality, but it’s hard to make look good (my tests have come out a bit overbright). Check out HDRI haven, they’ve got tons of great stuff, including overcast, which one of your environments is using. Unless the sun is peaking through, you usually don’t get sharp shadows with an overcast sky (though it looks kinda cool when there are some irl).