Coca Cola Glass Bottle

Howdy! Hope everyone had a good holiday!

Its funny whats sparks inspiration. I was browsing the other day and saw this old glass Coca Cola bottle which I thought might be a nice daily challenge to model in SubD.

The bottle overall shape is pretty simple, but the fluted components is where the planning comes in and is time well spend before hand.

So here we go with a little outline of how I created the bottle:-

10 fluted areas, all with chamfered sides, add in some even topology to keep things nice and we come to a round figure of 60 sided cylinder to start modelling. I added in a second cylinder as a guide with just 10 sides to keep me focused on where the flutes should be. From here I start off turning the 60 side cylinder basically into a fluted cylinder. I then proceed to add in edge loops and create the overall shape of the bottle. I then use the LoopTools addon, which comes with Blender, and its great ‘Circle’ function to take this to the next stage. This ‘Circle’ function takes any shape and tries to create an even circle from its given geometry - it also has a few options to help re align the geometry. This little function is a great tool for creating this kind of object.

Added new variation:-


Wireframe showing the building, thought process and tool for creating this model.

Clean example of finished exterior of bottle.


How about showing us the wireframe? :face_with_monocle:

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Looks great! The bottle shape seems to have turned out nicely.

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I’ll add some screens shots when back at my computer :slight_smile:

@LMalachi Thanks! Bottles like these are pretty good for little modelling challenges.

@picto I’ve added a wireframe! :slight_smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks again, @bartv

Added a wireframe to show the building process for this bottle.

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Added new variation with foam.

Very good work :+1:
A small :pinching_hand: detail, shouldn’t the liquid level be a little lower in the bottle with the foam …

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it ‘should’ be :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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