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بونساي صغير

72.50 SAR

The ficus bonsai or the ficus ginseng is a dwarfed variety of ficus varieties, it has small oval leaves, dwarfed in a way that highlights its aerial roots, making it attractive and charming, and this is the meaning of “bonsai” and we can say it is “the art of dwarfing” or a method of special breeding for trees under certain conditions and care. Intense to dwarf the plant during a long time.

 The bonsai is not a name for a specific plant, but it is a Japanese art of dwarfing trees, and because the dwarfed Vicks Ginseng plant is famous for most people, it is called bonsai.

 How to care for a bonsai tree?

 The Ficus Bonsai plant prefers strong filtered light, so it is placed near window light or under artificial lighting in the room.

 The bonsai plant also loves wet weather, so the leaves should be sprayed with water spray, especially on dry days and during the summer period, and to maintain moisture, irrigation is carried out before the soil is completely dry and cracked, but regularly in time and moderation in the amount of water.

 Bonsai leaf falling!

 What causes the leaves of a bonsai tree to fall?

 Changing the location of the seedling and its instability in one place.

 lack of moisture; To avoid it, spray the paper with water spray, and a tray with pebbles and water can be placed under the plant basin.

 Proximity to a passage or source of air currents.

 The intensity of thirst and the plant's exposure to severe drought.

 Increase or decrease irrigation, as you like consistency in quantity and time.

 Sudden change in temperature.

 lack of lighting;

72.50 SAR
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