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Colour Coded Sudoku - re-post

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Shian2' is my main account: used for Daily puzzles.

'shirley68' profile is used for larger puzzles, requests for larger size puzzles and miscellaneous puzzles.
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They are fun, Thanks, Judy.


I enjoy sudoku also!


Glad you had fun, Jacki, Thank you.


Yes, Tricksie, I started with the easy ones and now I purchase a book of mixed levels, 3 levels in the book. Glad you enjoyed this puzzle, Thank you.


Thanks, Diane.


Deb, I did the bookkeeping for our business, but now retired I'd rather do Sudoku ☺


Lefty, we don't all like the same things, I'm sure your friend will find something she will enjoy.


Fun, though I must admit I didn't pay any attention to the sudoko part.

I do a sudoku as part of my daily brainwork, and enjoyed this colourful jigsaw puzzle - thanks Shian2.
It took me a few years and the instructions in a website to get me into sudokus, as I was convinced they needed to add up. But no - my early learning was a website called jigsudoku, which treated them as jigsaws which in reality they are, and allowed me to organise the tiles around the field as I worked out where they went. I started off conquering the very simple 3x3 tile versions, then 4x4, and gradually worked up to 9x9.
But I do stick with easy ones - not into punishment!




Shirley I love jigsaws and word puzzles but I couldn't solve a sudoku puzzle to save my life. LOL
Ironically I used to earn my living as a bookkeeper. Bookkeeping so much easier!!! Thanks Deb


I tried that, even took an easy one and put in letters instead of numbers, but she had no interest in it.


Thank you. Lefty, this is an easy one already worked out, tell your friend there is no math skills required to work these out.


A bit easy to solve the Sudoku with colors already assigned for each number, but it may interest a friend of mine who refused to do these puzzles because they "require math skills".

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