Posted by: Zed | February 19, 2010

A Sliver Off The Old Block

Item: Windows Vista Sticker
Location: Study Table

An odd post today.

Here I have with us a piece of half-worn Windows Vista sticker that came off my laptop. There’s now a small white patch where the sticker use to be on the palm rest, like how folks who wear shades while tanning leave a mark on their faces.

Windows Vista Sticker

Dows Vista - No looking too good

I got the laptop while I was in Philly. Bought it online at the Lenovo website. I don’t know if its a social thing or the strength of consumer rights in the US, but making online purchases seems to be a lot more common over there. It’s also about time the vista sticker came off. Switched to Win 7 a while ago, and yes, it’s way better than Vista.

Was thinking of the caption for the photo, when I saw the word “dows” after “Win” got scrubbed out. Lead me to think about how messed-up the US economy is right now (think Dow Jones index). There was an article today in the papers about the problems Silicon Valley is now facing. Is this the start of the decline of the US, and rise of China? As for India, think LKY is still slightly frustrated about it.

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